Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Marbled Bananna Bread

This time I made a bread called Marbled Banana Bread! It was so good! You should really try it! What I learned from this experience is that if you want the bread to look pretty then you should use less cocoa powder. This makes the banana mixture show more! This recipe taste good even with the amount of cocoa powder it tells you to use. This recipe came from a recipe book called Isa Does It! Here is a link that lets you buy the book! http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_5?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=isa+does+it&sprefix=Isa+d%2Caps%2C248

Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Years Pancakes!

Today I made pancakes! My new years resolution was to learn more foods and make them on my own and write about in in a blog. Here is the recipe for the pancakes I made. They are from a cookbook called “Vegan Brunch” by Isa Chandra Moscowitz. If your batter is runny, just add a little more flour. I hope that these pancakes will be yummy! It was fun to flip the pancakes. I might want to do some different sorts of pancakes later on too. Some others could be chocolate pancakes or banana pancakes. We didn't make the sauce in this video but maybe we will next time. Check back later to see what I make next!